Dutch Wonderland
Lancaster, PA
price varies for hotels; prices for park available on www.dutchwonderland.com
Hotels: Eden Resort and Suites
Optimum Seasons: Spring, Summer
Notes I've gathered from people:
-doesn't get crowded like Sesame Place
-has water rides
-can get deals through Dunkin or AAA
-if you live in NYC or it's suburbs, Dutch Wonderland is a farther drive than Sesame Place
-one to two days is suffice. Most suggest two days.
-Peddler's Village is an attraction about 25 minutes from here (no idea what it is...google it)
-many farms and shops around the area
-you could do a second day at Hershey Park which is 20 minutes away. They sell combo tickets.
-if you buy your tickets later in the afternoon, you get to go to closing time and come back all of the next day
-good for younger kids
-"quaint and sweet and lots of fun"
-"old and tired"
Within an hour drive: