Huntington, NY

No admissions fee, free parking lot

Optimum Seasons:  Spring, Summer, Fall

This is a scenic peninsula located on the Long Island Sound. It is a 1,750 acre preserve that includes multiple hiking paths, horse stables, gardens, and a sand beach.  The land is relatively flat so the hike is not so difficult.  It will take you about two hours to park in the lot and then walk around the property (at snail's pace mind you).  I did this in the second week of November when foliage was at its peak, on a beautiful sunny day with blue skies.  I'd say anything under a 50 degree day is too frigid, as you are surrounded by water.  The big perk to this hike is that when you get to the end of the trail, you find yourself on a sand beach!  It was a truly beautiful and exhilarating experience.  You can go with a friend, a loved one, old children, or young children.  Have a good jogging stroller if you are bringing a toddler or baby. Lots of photo ops at every turn!

Kill a few birds with one stone:  Huntington is among the most charming towns on the north shore of Long Island.  There are many towns along the drive on Northern Blvd.  Also, if you are in the mood for another hike involving an uphill climb, try Cold Spring Harbor park.  I have not checked this off my bucket list yet but I have been told once you get to the top of the short mountain, you enjoy breathtaking views of the Sound.  Let me know how it goes!

For a list of other gardens and local places to hike, click here.

Click on the gallery above (best viewed on a desktop for captions), the videos below to get a better sense of the area, and add your feedback by clicking on the comments section below!  Follow me on Instagram and Facebook to see my next adventure!  And share with your friends if you appreciate this page!

