Manhasset, NY

No admission fee, free parking lot

Optimum Seasons:  Spring, Summer, Fall

Bring a high quality camera, bring your children, and go the second week of November.  Enough said.  Just view the gallery!

Kill a few birds with one stone:  This whole stretch of Northern Blvd is high end shopping at its finest.  You can start at Macy's across the street, but if you want to do some serious damage, hit up the Americana strip mall a few miles east!  Also, any neighborhood off of Northern Blvd in this area is worth driving around in.  Some of North Shore's finest homes!

For a list of other great parks during fall foliage, click here.

Click on the gallery above (best viewed on a desktop for captions) and add your feedback by clicking on the comments section below!  Follow me on instagram and facebook for live adventures.  And share with your friends if you appreciate this page.

